Sunday, November 25, 2012

The new segregation | The Chillicothe Gazette
As a global warming skeptic who never will be in a car pool van or AFV unless forced to do so by the government, it hit me that I now know what it was like to be a black citizen in the South during the height of Jim Crow laws. You know, when because of your skin color, you were thought to be stupid, ignorant, lazy and dirty. You sat in the back of the bus, were not allowed to use any “whites only” facilities and were sent to segregated schools.

Today, if you do not bow to the global warming/climate change/carbon footprint gods, you are deemed stupid, ignorant, lazy and unenlightened. You don’t deserve to park next to the door, you should feel lucky we even let you in the parking garage. Additionally, there are certain lanes on the expressways in which you are not allowed to travel.
Claims Of More Severe Weather With Warming Are Based On IPCC Errors and Omissions | Watts Up With That?
[Tim Ball] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Reports are the ‘scientific’ source of claims for more severe and extreme weather. In fact the incidence and severity of extreme weather— hurricanes, wind storms, tornados, heat waves, drought, floods, ice storms, etc—have not generally increased recently and are well within long term natural variability.
Solar power plants burden counties that host them -
Eager for jobs and tax money, Mojave Desert counties welcomed big solar projects. But they may have been too optimistic. And expanding emergency services and infrastructure isn't cheap.
World’s Top Climate Scientist Making Academia Almost Uninhabitable | Real Science
Temperatures in the south peaked in 1921, and have declined more than one degree over the last century.
Academia has become uninhabitable because of the stench of Hansen’s BS.
1888 : Fifteen Foot Deep Snow On Broadway | Real Science
Climate experts tell us that big snowstorms are due to global warming

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