Thursday, December 13, 2012

Bait and Switch in the Climate Debate - Forbes
By the way, if you were to investigate, you would find the same lack of trend for US hurricane landfalls, total Northern Hemisphere hurricane strength (ACE), total US forest fires, US snow pack, US droughts, US tornado counts, US wet weather, US storm damage when adjusted for population and property value increases, etc. etc. As I have written many times in the past, when someone posits a trend, don’t accept it on one data point (ie Sandy). Demand a trend line.
Signs of a ‘Magical Moment’ Bullishness … But Will It Last? | The Yale Forum on Climate Change & The Media
It’s easy to feel sky-high after an experience like the 2012 AGU fall meeting — actually, it’s a vast array of experiences: energized by the enthusiasm of the sessions and those around you, and bullish about the prospects for moving forward aggressively on climate matters.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: New paper by Scafetta finds the 'most convincing evidence for a sun-climate connection'
A paper published today in the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics by Dr. Nicola Scafetta finds the "Most convincing evidence for a sun-climate connection during the Holocene." Professor Scafetta finds "The Equator-to-Pole Temperature Gradient [EPTG] is linked to Total Solar Irradiance [TSI]," noting, "This newly discovered relationship between TSI and the EPTG represents the 'missing link' that was implicit in the empirical relationship that Soon (2009) recently demonstrated to exist between multi-decadal TSI and Arctic and North Atlantic climatic change."
Errors in IPCC climate science » Blog Archive » Anybody seen the IPCC on the road to Damascus ?
Maybe the IPCC might cotton on to the additional reality that our current very weak solar cycle 24 is not exactly portending warmer times.

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