Sunday, December 09, 2012

Heatwave In Fairbanks | Real Science
Temperatures in Fairbanks, Alaska have risen above the normal low temperature for the first time this month! With an average temperature of -31C in December, the global warming canary in the coal mine presents a clear warning to all of us.
1950 Shock News : Mild Winters, Warming Arctic – Since 1870 | Real Science

Understanding Permafrost Melt | Real Science
Temperatures in Siberia are running thirty to fifty degrees below zero, which represents ideal conditions for a massive meltdown and release of hot air from Doha.
Major Hurricanes In The US Peaked Between 1930 And 1960 | Real Science
The four busiest decades for major hurricane strikes in the US were the 1890s, 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

The US is currently experiencing the longest period without a major hurricane strike since the Civil War.
We would expect that a warming Arctic would lead to fewer and weaker hurricanes, because it weakens the Earth’s heat engine. Heat engines are driven by differences in temperature, and as the temperature difference between the pole and the equator decreases – so does the potential for storms.

Venus has a uniform hot temperature, and has no weather at all.
Interesting Snow Chart | Musings from the Chiefio
Well, first off, it’s pretty darned clear that CO2 isn’t doing much to California snow pack. The late 1890s / early 1920s ish area is a bit heavy, but before and after is light. (Look at the blue lines in 1925-35 and 1881 – 1889).

There’s a tiny bit of increase in snow pack size (again, the blue lines) from the 1970s to date, but not much; and ‘now’ isn’t visibly different from the 1940s, by my eye.

So, like, where’s my California Climate Change, Dude? ;-)

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