Thursday, December 13, 2012

IPCC chief Pachauri: "we in the IPCC welcome the opportunity to engage in debate on the subject of climate change"

Gateway to the UN System's Work on Climate Change - UN Climate Voices
Rajendra K. Pachauri: There are over 800 authors and review editors who are engaged in various [IPCC Fifth Assessment Report] tasks...Science thrives on debate and discussion and we in the IPCC welcome the opportunity to engage in debate on the subject of climate change. Given the fact that the AR5 will undoubtedly have a substantial amount of new information, there would be undoubtedly much debate and discussion of the findings that are produced.
Flashback: Inside Michael Mann's bunker: He's carefully set up a "cocoon of unreality" in an attempt to avoid any contact with people who disagree with his junk science

1 comment:

Otter said...

I really, Really wanted to be able to comment on that article. So many of the IPCCs' past reviewers have turned Skeptic, and I would have like to ask pacholi about it.