Monday, December 10, 2012

Local Weathermen Say Global Warming is a Conspiracy, “Scam”
It turns out that sev­eral of Baltimore’s best and bright­est TV weath­er­man fit the trend to a tee. WBAL’s Tony Pann, who won City Paper’s “Best Weath­er­man” this year, posted the RS story on his Face­book page, call­ing it “ridicu­lous” and refer­ring to ACC as a “theory.”

It was sug­gested to Pann on Face­book that he renounce his mem­ber­ship in the AMS (which he brags about on the WBAL web­site) over its posi­tions that “Warm­ing of the cli­mate sys­tem now is unequiv­o­cal” and that the “dom­i­nant cause of the rapid change in cli­mate of the past half cen­tury is human-induced.” He said, “I think a lot of AMS mem­bers are going to do just that! I won’t be alone. The AMS took some seri­ous lob­by­ing heat from those in the reaserch [sic] field. If you are mak­ing a liv­ing on gov­ern­ment grants to research global warm­ing, and have been for 20 years, you don’t want that money to dry up! I hate to say it, but you just have to fol­low the money.”
And he’s not the only local 7-day fore­caster throw­ing out con­spir­acy the­o­ries about cli­mate change. WMAR’s Mike Masco, who has a bachelor’s degree in Com­mu­ni­ca­tions and a cer­tifi­cate in “Broad­cast Mete­o­rol­ogy,” joined in the Face­book debate, call­ing global warm­ing “the biggest scam in mod­ern time,” and insist­ing “I don’t drink the lib­eral coolaid [sic].”

Asked for com­ment, Justin Berk, for­merly of WMAR, said the Rolling Stone story “was writ­ten with an agenda,” and also referred to ACC as “a theory.”
The Doha climate talks were a start, but 2015 will be the moment of truth | Michael Jacobs | Comment is free |
The global public is worried about jobs and living standards: there is no sign of the mass anxiety about global warming that drove the build-up to Copenhagen.
...The global public are not now mobilised around global warming – but that is almost certain to change after the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change begins publishing its latest assessment of the scientific evidence next year, when public alarm is bound to increase...climate change needs to become again a moral crusade. Global warming is a theft of the future from the children of today: anger and emotion must galvanise public concern.
Warning Signs: Climate Tyranny Avoids Scrutiny
...The U.S. is about to undergo this madness in the form of a deluge of Environmental Protection Agency carbon dioxide regulations that will strangle the economy and kill jobs. Unless the Congress can eliminate them via legislation, it will constitute a form of national suicide.

The United Nations isn’t just involved in climate treaties. It is seeking control over the worldwide Internet, the oceans of the world, gun control, and regulating the rights of parents to exercise control over their children’s health and well being.

If successful, the U.N. will lead the world back to a new Dark Ages.

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