Thursday, December 06, 2012

NY Times: Hillary Clinton, to some extent, "wanted to die" after the failure of the Copenhagen climate hoax conference; Inhofe and Monckton are "skeptical skunks" who "generate eye-rolling"

Snapshots From Doha and Elsewhere -
In fact, [Hillary Rodham Clinton] has not attended one since the largely unsuccessful enclave in Copenhagen three years ago, which was supposed to produce a new global agreement on climate change but instead dissolved into near chaos.

Last week, in a speech in Washington, Mrs. Clinton spoke about that meeting and told a story that aides said she had seldom, if ever, recounted in public. She recalled how she had negotiated well past midnight with top officials from around the world, only to see their efforts come to naught. She found herself outside the conference center at 2 a.m. waiting for her car with other leaders.

“We were standing there,” Mrs. Clinton said, “when Nicolas Sarkozy,” then France’s president, “looked up into the cold Danish sky with exasperation and declared, ‘After this, I want to die.’ I think that’s how we all felt, to some extent.”
Few would compare a United Nations climate change conference to a garden party, but a pair of skeptical skunks showed up on Thursday in the persons of Senator James Inhofe, Republican of Oklahoma, and Christopher Monckton, the Viscount Monckton of Benchley. The two make a habit of descending on climate summits and trying to debunk both the science and the politics of global warming. Mostly they generate eye-rolling and wry blog posts.

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