Sunday, December 02, 2012

Washington Post: "sea levels appear to be on track to rise by several feet over the next century"

Holding back the sea - The Washington Post
sea levels appear to be on track to rise by several feet over the next century, with every inch putting more Americans at risk. Sea-level researchers Robert Kopp and Benjamin Strauss estimate that a five-foot rise would produce Sandy-like floods in New York every 15 years, on average.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, the rate of change in sea level rise is dropping, so I'd say we're safe to say that 100 years worth of rise would be at or less than 5 times that which has occured over the last 20 years.

Recently quantified at 11mm per 20 years. Extrapolated (quite safely) over 100 years - let's say 55mm.

Hmmm - that looks more like 2.5" rather than 5 feet. And, realistically, less than that as the rate of rise is dropping off.

Once again, much ado about nothing. Unfortunately, John Q. Public is easily taken in by such scams.