Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Believers on "denialists": "a miniscule number ... believe climatologists are wrong"; they are "a group of highly organized message managers who take ideas and break them up in a way so they are easily understood and heard frequently"

New National Climate Assessment is scary, say experts. But that won’t change climate deniers - thestar.com
Climate change deniers dismiss the scientific consensus on global warming and its significance. Some are contrarians, some are involved with think-tanks and some are scientists, climatologists say. There aren’t many of them but they are organized, they add.
Climate change deniers are effective, Smol said. “They have been good at confusing scientific issues with the public.”

Why do they resist “data” and “facts” about climate change? It’s a conundrum, say scientists.
McBean and other climate change scientists believe some deniers do it for attention, others because they are being funded and a miniscule number because they believe climatologists are wrong.

In a blog post on davidsuzuki.org in August, environmental activist David Suzuki said climate change deniers are almost extinct.

But Harry McCaughey, a climatologist at Queen’s University in Kingston, disagrees; he says their number has increased in the past two decades.

“They are also more vocal now,” said McCaughey. “What we have in the denier community is a group of highly organized message managers who take ideas and break them up in a way so they are easily understood and heard frequently.”

It doesn’t help that scientists are hopeless at communicating ideas to the media, he added.

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