Saturday, January 05, 2013

- Bishop Hill blog - England and Wales rainfall trends
Let's just say the trend towards more rainfall is not obvious. (As indeed is any trend towards less rainfall, which is said to be more likely by the UK Climate Impacts Programme).
Yale alarmist advises Obama to lie in State of Union |
Moyers asks Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, what he would have Obama say about climate in the State of the Union address. Leiserowitz says in part:
… I would ask him to do two things. One is to say that I [Obama] have consulted with the nation’s leading climate scientists, including the National Academy of Sciences, which exists to guide the nation on science and science policy. And they all tell me, all of them, tell me that this is real and it’s human caused…”
110 Years Ago Today – 123 Degrees In Australia | Real Science
The January 4 temperature at Goodooga in 1903, was 24 degrees warmer than this year.
Counting Sunspots and Sunspot Inflation | Watts Up With That?
A somewhat disturbing [to many people] consequence of the correction of the official sunspot number is that there is now no evidence for a Modern Grand Maximum [‘the largest in 8000 years’ or some such].

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