Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Climatologists Retrench As Climate Refuses To Warm | The Resilient Earth
Once again we see that the predictions of those who expect the worst are most likely wrong. The lack of sea-level rise over the last half century, the missing spread of drought, the stubborn refusal of major storm frequency to rise, and, most noticeably, the lack of increasing temperatures have conspired to force the climate alarmists back to their models. Granted, the Norwegian study is only a minor retrenchment, but it is a start. After all, one of the great things about the scientific method is that it is self-correcting. Climate crystal ball gazers can predict anything they want, but physical reality will not be denied. True science is about reality, not computer models.
A Mother’s Concern; Promise Of A Green Future Is More Than A White Lie.
[Tim Ball] Mothers are naturally concerned about their children’s future. It is deplorable to exploit that concern using inaccurate, manipulated data and bad science. It is despicable when there is nothing wrong with the current methods and practices and they are the real solution. The world is not overpopulated and the proven, humane method of population reduction is economic development and the resulting demographic transition.

One mother and housewife, Charlene Adams, decided to check out the truth behind the push for a green future. Was it based on solid science? Charlene discovered, as anybody does who embarks on that journey, a frightening set of facts. They contradicted what the media reported and what her children learned in school.
1904 January Tornado | Real Science
If this happened now, it would be proof of man-made global warming.
US January Temperatures Warmest In The 1940s And 1950s | Real Science
The warmest Januaries in the US occurred during the 1940s and early 1950s, and the coldest occurred during the period 1954-1983. The current decade has been colder than the previous one.
UHI Has Huge Effects, But Is Unimportant | Real Science
The latest from our crack scientists is that UHI has huge effects which extend thousands of miles, but they are too small to be adjusted for in the local temperature record.

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