Monday, January 28, 2013

Enter the Economists: Part II - History of IPCC early days
The other select authors of Chapter 6 are curious. India had nominated Rajendra Pachauri, who might seem an unlikely selection considering he has no publications in the field. But his selection fits with the IPCC policy of affirmative action towards nominees from poorer countries. Many chapter authors (and Working Group vice-chairs and co-chairs) with minimal scientific credentials arrive as tokens for poor-nation inclusion. Token he may have been in 1993, but within a decade Pachauri would be victorious over another Chapter 6 author, Pier Vellinga (Netherlands), when in 2002 they were both nominated to succeed to the leadership of the IPCC after Rob Watson’s departure under pressure from the George W Bush Administration.  [Via Hilary Ostrov]
Warning Signs: A Tsunami of Governmental Global Warming Lies
According to the NCADAC report, rising temperatures pose a health threat. They are not rising and countless retirees head to warmer states for the simple reason that warmer weather extends life while colder weather kills people. People who live in Florida and the Southwest are not moving to Minnesota or Alaska...As Steve Gorham, the author of “The Mad, Mad, Mad World of Climatism: Mankind and Climate Change Mania”, has pointed out regarding the NCADAC report, “The document uses the word ‘extreme’ more than 600 times to create an alarming picture of the future.
Climate change limits turtle's nests (ScienceAlert)
“As the climate warms over the next several decades, we may begin to see signs of some nesting beaches becoming too warm for successful egg incubation, and other areas will become warm enough to produce baby turtles.”
Obama sounds strong on climate change, but what next? - Power Engineering
Actually doing something about the emissions that contribute to rising sea levels, sooty skies and melting Arctic sea ice is a far more complex task.  [CO2 makes the sky "sooty"?]

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