Monday, January 21, 2013

How Mature Is Climate Science? | The Lukewarmer's Way
I will just point out that a science that just discovered that black soot turns out to be the second-greatest man-made forcing of temperatures, almost as great as CO2, should not be considered mature.
Ask And Ye Shall Receive | Real Science
Four days ago the chubby guy below complained that Republicans had destroyed winter in Wisconsin.
With a wind chill of -23 degrees, I’m sure he is keeping his fossil fueled heat turned off to save the climate and avoid being labeled a hypocrite.
UBS Drops Another Bombshell on the E.U. Carbon Trading Market « Tallbloke's Talkshop
Carbon-dioxide permits in the European Union emissions trading system, the world’s largest, are “worthless” without a change in the rules to tighten supply and curb a record glut, according to UBS AG.
Twitter / RogerPielkeJr: So with EU ETS carbon "worthless" ...
So with EU ETS carbon "worthless" Aussie gov't linkage to EU ETS now looking like a cost-free bit of political genius with no policy effect

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