Friday, January 25, 2013

New U.S. Secretary of State Argues Climate Change a Top Priority: Scientific American
"Climate change is not something to be feared in response to. It's to be feared if we don't," Kerry said  [Huh?]
Do You Have What It Takes to Be America’s Next Science Idol? « NSF Science & Engineering Messengers
The event will be hosted by Chris Mooney (aka Ryan Seacrest), science journalist and co-host of the Point of Inquiry podcast.
You Can't Change the Climate from Inside Washington [As if you can prevent bad weather from *outside* Washington?] - By Theda Skocpol | Foreign Policy
if EPA regulations go too far, too fast, backlashes across the country could contribute to what may happen anyway: Democratic loss of control of the Senate in 2014. Many Democratic voters tend to stay home in midterm elections, and many key seats currently held by Democrats are up for grabs.
The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Gandalf is asked to stop rainfall by the dwarves, and he declares that the rain will stop when it stops, and that if they don't like it they can find another wizard  [I saw this movie last night with my kids, and I enjoyed it when the wizard Gandalf had no power to stop the rain.  After all, it's not like he's Obama or something...]

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