Thursday, January 03, 2013

"the Pope of Global Warming just lined his pockets with $100 million of… oil money"

Al-Jazeera buys Current TV
It’s the story that gets funnier and funnier as each new detail is revealed
Current rejected a buyout offer from Glenn Beck, on the grounds that “the legacy of who the network goes to is important to us, and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view.” But they were cool with the idea of selling to Al-Jazeera. Not cool with the idea: Time Warner Cable, which swiftly announced it would not carry the new network.
...the Pope of Global Warming just lined his pockets with $100 million of… oil money.

Less than half of the new “Al-Jazeera America” channel’s programming will be produced in the United States, which means Bill Clinton’s Vice-President just outsourced a bunch of jobs to a foreign company.

And the deal had to be completed in a hurry… because Al Gore wanted to avoid Barack Obama’s tax increases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Need any more be said? Get off the stage Gore, and may we see [or hear from] you no more.