Thursday, January 10, 2013

Warmist Geoffrey Lean: "scientists increasingly believe that animals – including people – will get smaller if global warming runs out of control"

Hey Geoffrey:  Can we see some hard data to back up this claim?  Has there been ongoing polling of scientists to find out how many of them believe that CO2 will cause humans to shrink?  What percentage of scientists held that belief ten years ago, and what percentage believe it now?

Could climate change turn humans into hobbits? – Telegraph Blogs
It sounds far-fetched, but scientists increasingly believe that animals – including people – will get smaller if global warming runs out of control.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Re, "Warmist Geoffrey Lean: "scientists increasingly believe that animals – including people – will get smaller if global warming runs out of control""

I've read a recent article about some researcher who was saying that in order to reduce global warming, we could engineer smaller people.

Perhaps this article is designed to prepare us for the day when chemicals they will be put in our water or food that will stunt our growth?...