Tuesday, January 15, 2013

With DC high temperature falling 35 degrees short of the 1932 record today, a small number of global warming protesters prayed in the cold for the end of global warming at the White House

Father Paul Mayer: A New Climate Vision on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday
This year, an interfaith network of religious leaders called IMAC (Interfaith Moral Action on Climate) has decided to revive the authentic prophetic message of King. On January 15, his 84th birthday, this group of Evangelicals, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Catholics, Buddhists and others (some coming from communities struck by Sandy), will gather outside of the White House for a "Pray-in for the Climate." They have concluded that, were he still alive today, he would join them in declaring that climate change is one of the greatest moral issues of our time.

They will be praying with their feet and bodies as well as with their spirits. At the end of their multi-religious service, some of them will assume positions of prayer according to their respective traditions on the forbidden sidewalk in front of the White House, thereby risking arrest. Dr. King taught that civil disobedience was called for in times of extreme danger to the nation -- in this case, the planet.
Interfaith Moral Action on Climate - Home
[1/152013] 12:00 pm - Religious Procession to the White House - (5-minute walk to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20500)
12:30 pm - Prayerful Vigil at the White House Asking that our President and our nation find the strength and wisdom to
steer us away from the Climate Cliff
Timeline Photos | Facebook
UUCF clergy and members at today's Pray-in for Climate Change in DC.

Washington DC weather for 1/13/2013 : Weather Underground
[Max Temperature 42 °F, Average 43 °F, Record 77 °F (1932)]


gofer said...

I am firmly convinced that some are incapable of embarrassment. A scientific study should be done to find the missing "embarrassment" gene and why it was never developed, since a child acquires it around 4-5 years old.

gofer said...

If they actually believed in a powerful God then they wouldn't need Obama. They are accusing God of punishing mankind for pursuing prosperity and for not being able to create an earth that is self-regulating. All those fossil fuels which are part of the earth and are perfectly formed for what they do should be considered, by a religious person, to be a gift from God. They are practicing the wrong religion by worshiping the creation rather than the Creator.