Thursday, February 14, 2013

Uh oh: IPCC AR5 co-ordinating lead author blames global warming for earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis

Climate change is real, experts say | News24
"No doubt, Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to climate variability and change because of multiple stresses and low adaptive capacity. Environmental and climatic stress also raises existing inequalities between rich and poor," Professor Oliver C Ruppel told News24.

He is professor of Law at Stellenbosch University, specialising in Public International Law and Diplomacy, World Trade Law, Regional Integration Policy, Sustainable Development Law and International Environmental Law.
"If you look at the trend then I think that's pretty unmistakable and any proper analysis would tell you that we are heading in that direction," said IPCC chair Rajendra Pachauri recently in Australia as the body discussed the heat waves that affected the country.
"There is wide scientific consensus that the increased number and intensity of climate change induced natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tsunamis and hurricanes, is of alarming concern," said Ruppel, though adding that not all climate events lead to disasters.
According to Ruppel, who serves as AR5 co-ordinating lead author for the Chapter on Africa of the UN IPCC, Working Group II, policies need to be in place to recover from disasters related to climate change.

1 comment:

Mike Jowsey said...

Oh, he's a bloody lawyer! Pointing at consensus. LOL. Could he cite perhaps one single peer-reviewed scientific publication which attributes a specific tsunami (or earthquake, or volcano) to anthropogenic global warming?