Friday, February 22, 2013

That chill in the air isn't global warming - Letters - The Orange County Register
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration empirical temperature data shows that U.S. winters have cooled in the past 15 years in all nine U.S. climate regions. Thus, Borenstein’s most basic and fundamental premise, that global warming makes winters warmer, is wrong, based on reviewing actual temperature data.

North America snow extent empirical data from the Rutgers University Global Snow Lab for the fall, winter and spring seasons from 1967 through 2012 show virtually no change in total snowfall during this period. Thus, again, one of the article’s most fundamental claims, that global warming results in less snow, is wrong, based on reviewing actual snowfall data records.

Borenstein also claims that global warming results in more winter storms but NOAA winter storm data clearly shows increased storms during cooler periods, which is the opposite of Borenstein’s claims.

The number of winter storms in the past decade is consistent with the number of storms that occurred in the cooler-winter decade of the 1960s versus the fewer number of storms that occurred in the warmer-winter decades of the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s.
Larry Hamlin, retired Southern California Edison vice president of power production, former state energy construction czar under Gov. Gray Davis (2001)
Climate change costs are hitting home: Editorial |
PSE&G wants to spend a staggering $4 billion over the next decade to harden its electric and gas systems against the impact of severe storms like Sandy and Irene, a sum that works out to about $500 per person in New Jersey.

“This is a cost of climate change, pure and simple,” says Jeanne Fox, a commissioner on the Board of Public Utilities, which oversees the utilities.

It’s a pity we cannot send the entire bill to the flat-earthers who are willfully deaf to the chorus of warnings from the world’s most respected scientists. By blocking political action on climate change, even now, they are driving up the costs of coping.
Markey’s Malarkey | Power Line
Markey has always hated all fossil fuels, and is the kind of person who has said many times that we need more wind and solar to help get us off foreign oil (there is zero connection between the two), but a few days ago he said that one problem with the sequester is that it would . . . slow domestic oil and gas drilling! And we’re really supposed to take this guy seriously? If he meant that, you’d think he’d be for the sequester.

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