Saturday, February 23, 2013

Today's carbon tax day - a black one indeed for us all | Piers Akerman
Labor and its Green and independent supporters are in fantasy land. Their figures don't stack up and they cannot stop telling untruths to prop up their flawed tax.

While even the UN's climate change chief Rajendra Pachauri says that people have the right to question the science behind so-called global warming, whatever their motivations, Labor and its media cheerleaders from the ABC and Fairfax continue to sneer at anyone who dares challenge their dubious orthodoxy.
Allen Hershkowitz: Backstage at the Oscars: The Environmental Advisor Speaks
Once again, for this year's 85th Academy Awards, the energy supplies, paper products, waste management services and food for all events have been selected with sensitivity toward reducing the threats we face from global warming, species extinction, deforestation, toxic waste, and hazardous chemicals in our water and food.

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