Monday, February 25, 2013

Tom Pappalardo in the Huffington Post: Fossil fuel use has "led to the subsequent thinning of the top layers of our atmosphere which has lead to drastic reductions in our global temperatures"

Tom Pappalardo: Al Gore and Al Jazeera: Do These Als Really Belong Together?
...The use of these fuels of course is a major major cause of air pollution and this in good part has led to the subsequent thinning of the top layers of our atmosphere which has lead to drastic reductions in our global temperatures. Mother Earth is a self-healing entity much like our human bodies. I believe the the extreme weather conditions we have experienced the last few years is the Earth's way of healing itself from the poisons that have been injected into her over many many years. At the moment, she is an angry lady so try not to get in her way as she fixes herself.

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