Monday, February 18, 2013

Warmist Revkin calls warmist Wen Stephenson a "my way or the highway" climate guy, then says "I thought progressives were about rainbow coalitions and big tents"

Twitter / Revkin: @levi_m @philaroneanu Been ...
...Proclaiming @350 without saying when & how (other than blaming Big Oil) doesn't get far.
Twitter / wenstephenson: @Revkin @levi_m 50,000 people ...
@Revkin @levi_m 50,000 people come out to fight for our kids' future, and you dump on it. You are what we're fighting. @philaroneanu
@WenStephenson, “my way or the highway” climate...
[Revkin] @WenStephenson, “my way or the highway” climate guy. I thought progressives were about rainbow coalitions and big tents.

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