Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Warmist Steven Chu: “We do not understand what happens in detail over a 10- or 20-year period in climate. It’s very, very complicated stuff...on a half-a-century to a century time scale, it gets pretty simple"

Secretary of Energy Steven Chu discusses climate change - Iowa State Daily: News
A challenge scientists face in handling climate change is in understanding the nature of climate itself.

“We do not understand what happens in detail over a 10- or 20-year period in climate. It’s very, very complicated stuff,” Chu said. “On a short time scale, we don’t have the predictive power we do on a longer time scale; on a half-a-century to a century time scale, it gets pretty simple.”

Throughout his presentation, Chu presented several graphs that show a trend toward increases in the surface temperature of the earth in previous years. When asked how he deals with climate deniers, Chu said he becomes a scientist and sticks to the data.

“This is more of a smoking gun,” Chu said. “It appears to be fossil fuels; it’s not a natural occurrence.”
“I think we have a moral responsibility,” Chu said. “The most innocent victims in climate change are the poorest who never contribute anything to this and those yet to be born.”

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