Monday, March 04, 2013

Barking madness from Unity College president Stephen Mulkey: [Because of CO2] "by the end of the century it is questionable whether or not civilization as it is currently manifested will be able to continue"

Generational impacts of climate change: What will it mean for you? | Stephen Mulkey
Assuming that we pass a tipping point in the melting of the major ice sheets, sea level would continue to rise for at least 300 years, eventually exceeding 20 meters...By the end of the century it is questionable whether or not civilization as it is currently manifested will be able to is arguable that natural selection did not endow us with the traits to prosper in such a climate disrupted world.

...As McKibben and many others have correctly pointed out, we simply must leave this carbon in the ground. It is clear that the fossil fuel corporations have no intention of doing so, and we have no choice but to do everything we can to stop them and change how we power civilization.

A new book by Andrew Simms makes the point that the necessary transformation away from fossil fuels will open a wide range of new jobs and economic opportunities... If we implement policies to create Simms’ world, we can cancel dire climate projections and the demise of civilization...if we overcome social and political barriers we can cancel the apocalypse.
Stephen Mulkey | Unity College
He is the current President of Unity College.

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