Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Bora 1, Climate Denialist Kooks 0 » Pharyngula
This is really a thing of beauty: climate pseudoscientist Willis Eschenbach whines at the inadvertent comedy blog Watt’s Up With That that Bora Zivkovic has been moderating comments on his SciAm blog.

Eschenbach, who’s also a Mass Extinction denialist, objects to Bora’s having instituted some basic anti-troll measures at A Blog Around The Clock that relegate comments with certain field marks of the climate denialist loon to the spam bin. Says Bora, in a passage that apparently made Eschenbach’s cranial temperature spike like a Warmist hockey-stick graph...
Michael Mann Says Climate Change is About Our Children's Future Planet | DeSmog Canada
"We are obviously going to need to incentivise that shift away from fossil fuels, both in American and in Canada," Mann says, mentioning carbon tax and cap and trade legislation as popular considerations on this front.
He adds, "I stop short of trying to proscribe policy..."
"To me more than anything else it's a debate about what kind of world we leave for our children."
How climate change worsened violence in Syria | Grist
International security experts are now looking at the connection between recent droughts in the Middle East and the protests, revolutions, and deaths that followed, and building a body of evidence to suggest that climate change played a key role in Syria’s violence and the Arab Spring generally.
Obama’s Choice: Ethical Energy Or 'The Devil’s Excrement' | ThinkProgress
(In an earthier metaphor, Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo, the Venezuelan diplomat who helped create OPEC, called oil “the devil’s excrement.”)
The same spirit that drove oil exploration in the United States needs to drive our transition to renewable energy. We don’t need Keystone. We need to wildcat the sun.
-– William Becker is executive director of the Presidential Climate Action Project.

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