Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clear Solar Impact On Climate Shown By New Study – German Meteorologist Calls Parrenin et al Paper “The Latest Gag”
Now yet another new study published at Quaternary Science Reviews shows in no uncertain terms that the sun, the source of almost all of the Earth’s thermal energy, drives the climate and that the climate naturally swings in cycles.
Alternate New York Times Headline: ‘Global Warming Saves Civilization’ | RedState
Consider what a global ice age would mean. Cincinnati, OH and points north would be under a glacier hundreds of feet thick (not necessarily a bad thing, in the mind of some readers and SEC football fans). Agriculture would be impossible in North America. The planet could sustain a tiny fraction of its current population.

Even with a cooling of a couple of degrees Celsius, crop yields and growing seasons would shift dramatically for the worse. It would be increasingly difficult to feed the planet.

Given the choice between Global Warming and Global Cooling, give me Warming any day.

Here’s an interesting question for the Climate Change community: What would today’s global temperature be absent the man-made CO2 input since the Industrial Revolution?
Biggest March snowstorm in Worcester, MA
4th biggest March snowstorm in Boston
McKibben Blames 5,000 Years Of Middle East Instability On Your SUV | Real Science
The Middle East has been in continuous war for about 5,000 years. It could have all been avoided by a carbon tax.

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