Friday, March 08, 2013

"Climate change" cools off | RedState
The heck of it all is that global cooling always was the more plausible, scientifically sound threat. Those solar energy variations really might presage a significant drop in planetary temperature. But global cooling wasn’t politically useful – it was too difficult to pin on human activity, and too hard to hype with voodoo fearmongering about wild weather patterns. The people could not easily be convinced that their machines were making the world colder. When they noticed it wasn’t getting consistently warmer, “global warming” became “climate change.” Then they noticed that the “climate change” elite wasn’t wasting any time acting as if their extravagant lifestyles were killing the Earth, descending upon million-dollar eco-conferences in mighty fleets of carbon-spewing jets. Now that Al Gore, the Pope of Global Warming, has lined his pockets with oil money, the game is pretty much over… and we’re left hoping that maybe his propaganda was just a little bit right, because Winter Is Coming, and man-made greenhouse-gas warming might be our best hope against it.
A Later Peak Cherry Blossom Date – Is DC’s Global Warming Indicator Broken?
The National Park Service has announced that the peak bloom for Washington’s Global Warming Canary will be March 26 to March 30 — about one week later than last year.  [If that trend continues, in 52 years the peak date will come an entire year later than it does now!!]
Global warming is epic, long-term study says -
It's supposed to be cold
Marcott is concerned about people's ability to adapt to a perhaps drastically changed climate.
"As civilization has grown, we're kind of set up for things not to change too much," he said.
Vitter: EPA Lied about Region 8 Administrator’s Email Use
U.S. Sen. David Vitter (R-La.), top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, today found the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) lied about former Region 8 Administrator James Martin's use of a non-official email account to conduct official business.

"EPA should start owning up to the facts piling up before them. Their blatant disregard for proper procedure and transparency is now being regularly exposed, and EPA's leadership must be held accountable," Vitter said.

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