Monday, March 18, 2013

Florida’s Coldest March On Record (So Far) | Real Science
Temperatures in Florida so far this month have been the coldest on record.
Caps Review Part 7: Complementary measures
New wind power is now cheaper per megawatt-hour than new coal- or gas-fired electricity generation, but renewable energy still needs subsidies to compete with existing generators
Sierra Club: Thy Name is Hypocrisy (natural gas for and against) — MasterResource
...But that rapid 180-degree turn on natural gas has also put the Sierra Club in an uncomfortable position. With the near-daily news stories explaining the air quality and climate benefits of natural gas, the Sierra Club’s opposition to natural gas undermines its stated goal of protecting the environment.

In response, the Sierra Club has come up with a bold and fascinating strategy: Say whatever the heck they want, regardless of whether it contradicts their statements elsewhere.
Skeptical Chicken – Shub Niggurath Climate
So this Team can talk about a dangerously wobbly piece of work like Marcott et al but only with each other. The moment someone from outside asks tough questions, they shut everything down.

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