Saturday, March 02, 2013

Global Warming Saps Workers' Strength | The Resilient Earth
So now everyone can benefit from the global warming scam, just tell your boss your output is down due to climate change.
Aerosols from Moderate Volcanos Now Blamed for Global Warming Hiatus | Watts Up With That?
Bottom line: There’s still no consensus from climate scientists about the cause of the slowdown in the warming rate of global surface temperatures.
What Was The Middle Part? | Real Science
The AGW scam started with a scientific theory.

Man is adding CO2 to the atmosphere
CO2 absorbs LW radiation and increases the amount of heat in the oceans and atmosphere
Increased heat leads to different weather patterns

The middle part disappeared, and now there is no pretense of science

Man is adding CO2 to the atmosphere
This causes “climate change” which is going to kill us all.
- Bishop Hill blog - The great still
Commenters have been noting the preposterously low output of the wind fleet at the moment - currently generating about 0.4GW or a tenth of one percent of demand.

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