Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Lake Effect: Sustainability Superstar James Hansen Slated for Milwaukee Talk on Climate Change
"I won't say it's like going to hear Einstein," says Stone, an MATC instructor of natural science, "but you know, it's not far behind. When you have such a prominent person, such a renowned and respected and celebrated scientist coming here to Milwaukee, see him. I mean, it's the chance of a lifetime."
"When the coral reefs start dying off... that's a very serious warning," he says. "This is more than a single canary dying in the coal mine. The coral reefs around the world are leaching and dying, this is really serious."
Europe to cut power of vacuum cleaners to save energy - Telegraph
The cleanliness of Britain's homes is being threatened by European bureaucrats who want to reduce the power of vacuum cleaners in a bid to cut energy use.
As the climate warms, skiers can kiss their Aspen goodbye | Grist
“It’s a tough reality to swallow,” Elizabeth Burakowski, a PhD candidate in snow science at the University of New Hampshire, told me. “It’s bad for business.”
Least Effective Global Warming Propaganda Ever? - YouTube

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