Saturday, March 09, 2013

Liberals half-pregnant on climate change waste
All of that colossal spending would made no difference to the climate anyway, even if man were heating the world - and even if that heating were bad for us.

But the Coalition does not dare make the argument. So it remains half-pregnant, keeping other schemes that will cost billions we don’t have to make even less difference to global warming
Irony alert:  Michael Mann has a piece up on the "Greedy Lying Bastards" web site
Unfortunately, many of the people who call themselves climate skeptics and have attacked my work and the work of my colleagues are not really skeptics at all, but climate contrarians or climate deniers.
Why Climate Sensitivity is Not Policy-Relevant | Planet3.0
No plausible sensitivity-related argument is policy relevant.
No Warming In Colorado Since 1850 | Real Science

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