Sunday, March 31, 2013

Matthew Sinclair: The three elements of good climate policy
Staking enormous resources on installing phenomenal amounts of offshore wind capacity in the hope that will drive down costs to an economic level is madness.
Carbon levy will be a 'stealth poll tax' on energy - Telegraph
The government's new carbon levy is effectively a “stealth poll tax” that will only work to put up household electricity bills and hand a windfall to old nuclear plants, the head of energy giant E.ON has warned.
Twitter / etzpcm: The anagram of the week award ...
The anagram of the week award goes to jorgekafkazar for Stephan Lewandowsky = what Lysenko spawned
FEMA's climate change denial: Editorial |
The flood maps drawn up by the Federal Emergency Management Agency do not consider the rising sea levels or increasing frequency of big storms that scientists predict.

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