Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Michael "Robust Debate" Mann, trying to excuse his extreme fear of robust debate: "Getting on a debate stage signals that, while you might disagree, you respect the position of your opponent"

Twitter / MichaelEMann: Getting on a debate stage signals ...
Getting on a debate stage signals that, while you might disagree, you respect the position of your opponent. #WhyWeDontDebateScienceDeniers


Anonymous said...

One of the very few times any members of "the team" have bothered to actually *debate* knowledgeable and respected folks that disagree was a formal debate hosted by IntelligenceSquared in New York City and broadcast by National Public Radio. The players were Richard Lindzen, Michael Crichton and Phillip Stott versus Gavin Schmidt, Richard Sommerville and Brenda Ekwurzel...

"In this debate, the proposition was: "Global Warming Is Not a Crisis." In a vote before the debate, about 30 percent of the audience agreed with the motion, while 57 percent were against and 13 percent undecided. The debate seemed to affect a number of people: Afterward, about 46 percent agreed with the motion, roughly 42 percent were opposed and about 12 percent were undecided."

In other words, The Team lost. Badly. A swing from 2 to 1 agreeing, to losing by 5% in front of an arguably liberal NYC audience. They can't afford to lose again, and as long as the media believe the debate is useless because virtually all scientists agree with the Manns, they won't be forced to.

Gator said...

Criminals rarely respect the law, and liars seldom respect the truth.