Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Michael Mann’s ad hominem attack on Henry Payne |
Click for the facts about Michael Mann’s: hokey stick, Nobel prize claim, and claim to have coined the term “AMO”.

Now who is actually “falsehood-filled” and “factually challenged”: Henry Payne or Michael Mann?
Twitter / pdouglasweather: Hot air inside Beltway can't ...
Hot air inside Beltway can't save D.C. from 6-12", most in 3 years. Plowable New York - Boston
Polar Balance Achieved! | Real Science
Both of Earth’s large ice sheets are running about one hundred degrees below the freezing point this week. Hansen’s 350 ppm has been violated, and the meltdown is worse than it seems.
Applying Jeff Masters Math To Polar Ice | Real Science
Global sea ice area has been above normal for 16 days in a row. The odds of this happening randomly are 65536:1

Statistics courtesy of Dr. Jeff Masters
Snow record due to ‘colder temperatures’ | Digging in the Clay
The climate change spin is of course that warmth in the Arctic due to warming is pushing the cold further south, but the only thing that’s up with the weather at more temperate latitudes is that cold is the new warm.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: Settled science: 48% of models predict a drier California in 2060, 52% predict wetter
A paper published today in the Journal of Climate examines the output of 25 climate models for projected precipitation in California and finds little consensus, stating that "12 projections show drier annual conditions by the 2060s and 13 show wetter."

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