Saturday, March 23, 2013

NOAA decadal scale rainfall trends found to be ‘wildly wrong’ | Watts Up With That?
I have good news and bad news. The good news is that USA rainfall is, according to NOAA, rising at 6.5 inches per century. The bad news is that this number is wildly wrong. I also have some observations about temperature
MUST SEE YOUTUBE: The Following YouTube from the Met Office displays total ignorance about how our Climate Works | Climate Realists
Met Office chief Science Officer Julia Slingo talks about 'dangerous' climate change & extreme weather and climate modelling resolutions. She still mentions co2 reduction as if it controls our climate and that is after her Met Office have now divulged that we have had 16 years with NO world temperature increase with also 16 years of extra co2 put into the Earth's atmosphere...

AVOID symposium - Panel discussions - Met Office
Permanent Earth Hour In The UK | Real Science
The UK celebrates Earth Hour by running out of fossil fuel during their coldest March weekend in two generations.
UK Achieves The Green Dream | Real Science
Greens have dreamed of a cold world, with a late spring and no fossil fuel. The UK has achieved that wonderful dream.
Energy: gas rationing
But what the paper doesn't seem to realise is that gas is already being rationed. Mains pressure has been reduced. Householders are finding that gas ovens are taking longer to cook food, while fires burn less brightly. And companies with interruptible supply contracts are already on notice for Monday, that gas will not be available.

And, of course, it is not helping that the coal estate is being shut down, although we are currently getting 42 percent of our electricity from coal, compared with 20 percent from gas. In a week's time, the equation will have changed yet again and the generators could be in real trouble.

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