Thursday, March 14, 2013

Quark Soup by David Appell: Marcott Reax
At the same time, while I don't think this kind of raw denialism will ever go away completely, I get the sense their [climate realists] heart isn't in it anymore.  [Hey David:  While you have absolutely no idea where my heart is, I am completely confident that I know where your head is.]
Germany's Green Energy Disaster: A Cautionary Tale For World Leaders - Forbes
command economists have failed spectacularly in their bid to force a national transition to renewable energy.
Minnesotans For Global Warming
In Prof. Zink’s column in the Aug 31 2012 Outdoor News he shows a plot (unreferenced) that purports to link the cause of Global Warming (GW) to CO2. He goes on to say he believes human created CO2 is the cause. There are 2 problems with this position. First, the plot says it shows CO2 emissions over the past century. Emissions does not equal atmospheric CO2 concentration, it ignores the carbon sinks that sequester CO2. Second, correlation is not causation, one could draw a similar graph showing the correlation of ice cream cone sales with lawn mowing injuries.
How dare the Climate Commission complain at being caught out | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
Professor Roger Pielke Jr catches out the Climate Commission again spreading baseless propaganda - and then attacking those who dare point it out

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