Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rupert Darwall Presentation on His New Book, The Age of Global Warming: A History
[Myron Ebell] Darwall then shows in detail how science became the spear carrier of the global warming movement and how politics settled the scientific debate in 1992 when governments of the world agreed to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at the Rio Earth Summit. His book concludes by examining how the developing world’s opposition to energy-rationing policies resulted in an unprecedented humiliation for the West at the Copenhagen climate summit in 2009.
Global warming’s grim arrival to shake world - OP-ED - Globaltimes.cn
If humanity is to avoid ultimate extinction, our organizing attitudes will have to evolve.
Could Kites Be A Solution to Global Warming?
While it may take several years, these wind power kites should be the future of renewable energy. The toys we all once played with as children may soon be the “toys” that the next generation depends on for living.
Warning Signs: A Carbon Tax Would Destroy America
If you want to know what a carbon tax on emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) would do to America you need only look at the destruction of industry and business in Australia, along with the soaring costs for energy use it imposes on anyone there.
- Bishop Hill blog - The CCC abandons science
when that someone - Hoskins - has gone on record as saying that the models are "lousy" but still insists that they have a part to play in assessing climate sensitivity, you really have to wonder whether this is a scientific argument at all.

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