Saturday, March 02, 2013

So who's paying for this, and why?: Georgia warmist Kim Cobb talks proudly about her multiple fossil-fueled trips to DC to lobby Congress

Cobb Lab Research Blog: Climate Science Day on Capitol Hill
I'm just back from a trip to DC to talk to Congressional offices about climate science as part of the third annual "Climate Science Day on Capitol Hill" (here's a link to the 2012 event). Organized by a consortium of 12 scientific societies, including the AGU, the event saw 50 climate scientists from all walks of the discipline converge on DC for a 1/2 day training session on Tuesday followed by a day full of Hill visits on Wednesday. The highlight of the training session was seeing so many women delivering sage and substantive advice on getting our climate science messages across. Susan Hassol gave a rousing overview of climate communication do's and don'ts, followed by a bi-partisan panel of 4 female Congressional staffers who provided behind-the-scenes tips for making yourself heard through the din on the Hill...I will go back to the Hill in May, with students high on energy efficiency, and again next February, for the 4th annual Climate Science Day on Capitol Hill, to once again shop my wares with an easy smile and an open mind.

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