Tuesday, March 05, 2013

USA TODAY's Climate Change Series Comes At A Critical Time | Blog | Media Matters for America
As Vergano noted in a live chat on the upcoming series, specialized reporters are less likely to fall victim to "false balance"
Shauna Theel graduated with high distinction from UC Berkeley in May 2010 with a degree in Political Science. She is currently Senior Researcher of Energy and Environment at Media Matters.
Twitter / RyanMaue: where the hell is spring? ...
where the hell is spring? GFS 10-15 day goes back to ridiculous cold over plains, east, and southeast.
Twitter / BigJoeBastardi: The http://t.co/kvqB5raSEp ...
The March forecast, touted the likely coldest since 1996...remember we touted flip in mid jan
Twitter / ClimateOfGavin: - Venezuelan oil is not 'dirtier' ...
- Venezuelan oil is not 'dirtier' than tar sands from Alberta (not that it is clean) (2/4)
I'm just curious--is Gavin Schmidt really qualified to judge the merits of Venezuelan oil?  Or have we suspended that rule about not being able to talk about a subject unless we've written pal-reviewed papers on that subject?

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