Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Warmist sociology professor Riley Dunlap weighs in; claims that climate skeptics’ books tend to recycle “zombie arguments that are disproven over and over and then pop up again"

Attack of the climate-denial books : Columbia Journalism Review
Climate skepticism books “are especially important for reaching the conservative movement’s core constituency, wider segments of the public, and critical sectors of society such as corporate, political and media leaders,” Dunlap and Jacques wrote in their paper, published online in February by the journal American Behavioral Scientist. “They are clearly a vital weapon in the conservative movement’s war on climate science, and one of the key means by which it diffuses climate change denial throughout American society and into other nations.”

The books “confer a sense of legitimacy on their authors and provide an effective tool for combating the findings of climate scientists that are published primarily in scholarly, peer-reviewed journals,” Dunlap and Jacques noted in the paper.

Dunlap said that climate skeptics’ books tend to recycle “zombie arguments that are disproven over and over and then pop up again. The books can make any points they want to,” without going through any of the scientific peer-review process that traditional scientific papers require.
Dr. Riley Dunlap
Environmental Sociology, Social Movements, Political Sociology, Public Opinion, Survey Research Methods

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