Monday, April 22, 2013

Edmunds: ‘The Internal Combustion Engine Is the Future’ |
“Gasoline is a very talented energy source.”
4 Red Stars: Communist Party USA endorses global warming movie |
“The movement to address climate change will only be able to build a coalition broad enough to change government policy if it explicitly unites with unions, with the cause of the unemployed, with struggles for environmental justice and against environmental racism.”
Is Al Gore the Latter Day Pardoner? Carbon Credits Are Modern Indulgences.
[Tim Ball] Gore’s objective is to eliminate human production of CO2 to save people, especially those in developing nations, from dying in severe weather, drowning in rising sea levels or starving because of high temperatures and drought. Ironically, developing nations were excluded from the Kyoto Accord so they could develop and offset starvation and political chaos. Now its reversed. Two of them, India and China surpass the sinful developed nations in rate of CO2 production, while developed nation production decreases. Death and increased potential for death have already occurred because of policies implemented to reduce the evil CO2. At the same time higher energy costs have lowered living standards throughout the world.
Yet another winter storm for the Rockies, Midwest
Followed by the potential for record cold temperatures.
Al Gore Gets Biblical: Climate Change Resembles Book of Revelation | National Review Online
I think Gore left out the part where he’s the “false prophet.”

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