Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Extreme Exaggeration of the Climate Commission.
Australia has had many floods, droughts, heatwaves, worse than what we are seeing today. The CC’s fear-mongering is ideologically based and part of the AGW scam.

After the 14 September, closing the CC should be the first step towards reinstating a rational basis to science in Australia.
Watch Now: Climate Depot’s Morano on Fox News on electric cars vs. SUVs/Trucks: ‘Americans want cars that are practical, big, safe. They don’t want to make anemic political statements driving around in these small electric cars’ | Climate Depot

Violent Environmental Problems With Wind Turbine Operation: From Avian Mortality to Catastrophic Failure — MasterResource
Renewable energy wind turbines as electricity sources possess extreme environmental problems not found in their renewable energy rival–solar photovoltaic. These problems are due to rotation of 130-foot or more long, thirteen-ton turbine blades with tip speeds of 200 miles per hour.

An unavoidable problem of wind turbines is killing flying creatures.
BBC Environment Correspondent Matt McGrath states Dr James E Hansen was a leading er....the science of "Global Warming"! | Climate Realists
I'm not so sure this summary from the BBC of Dr James E Hansen retirement announcement has done them any favours. The area that may backfire is that their Environment Correspondent Matt McGrath mentions the term "Global Warming" instead of "Climate Change" and at the end of the article they (BBC) have acknowledged world temperatures have remained at a "standstill", thus agreeing there is no "Global Warming" currently going on.

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