Monday, April 29, 2013

Gifford Miller vs Upside-Down Kaufman « Climate Audit
Unfortunately, they did not also require that the use of the record be in the same orientation as the published literature and, in the case of Hvitavatn, the SI states that they used the record in a positive orientation i.e. opposite to the interpretation of Miller et al 2012.
C3: Reality Wake-Up Call: Climate "Experts" Sea Level Prediction Found To Be Wildly Wrong
The IPCC's climate models and multiple government climate "experts" have proven time and again that they are completely unable to make reliable predictions of global climate attributes - this time, the climate reality wake-up call finds Australian government scientists to be wildly wrong regarding their "accelerating" sea level predictions
- Bishop Hill blog - Oreskes and Conway do the end of the world
It's extraordinary how this "massive campaign" by fossil fuel interests has gone almost entirely undocumented. There is, to the best of my knowledge, virtually no evidence to support the claim at all. It is something of an indictment of the standards in academia that this kind of conspiracy theorising goes unremarked and entirely unchallenged.
Local produce no climate change panacea: study
"To have local produce as the cornerstone of your climate strategy doesn't go anywhere," researcher Stefan Åström told the TT news agency. [Ya think?]
A Modern Climatologist | Digging in the Clay
From climate models numerous, and data-sets adjusted,
And linear regressions, come forecasts to be trusted.
Mankind is doomed, I’m sad to say, of that there’s little doubt.
The earth will burn, though rising seas will put the fires out.
The media are all agog, and keep the airwaves humming,
For bad news sells, attention dwells, just keep the funding coming.
I’m smart and brash and canny, and not a whit apologist.
I am the very model of a modern climatologist.

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