Wednesday, April 03, 2013

Guardian article: Sheep dying by the hundreds in spring snowdrifts up to 20 feet deep should convince us that CO2-induced overheating is a bigger threat than World War II?

Let's not bet the farm | Colin Tudge | Comment is free | The Guardian
How should we – not just the farmers but all of us, in Britain and worldwide – respond to the report from Wales that sheep are dying by the hundreds in snowdrifts up to 20 feet deep?
Secondly, we should at last acknowledge that climate change is real, and prepare for it as urgently as our grandparents prepared for the second world war (except that the present threat is bigger).


Anonymous said...

Absolute rubbish!!! The globe is cooling and will do so for next 30yrs!! Global warming has finished, global cooling Is our biggest worry!!! Its a natural cycle us humans have no control over, has nothing to do with co2

Anonymous said...

Wait, heating causes more snow not less? And it causes less ice in the arctic but more ice in the antartic?
No wonder I am not a scientist, I am not nearly intelligent enough to figure that out.
PS scientists did predict that global warming means more snow, didn't they?