Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Missoula sets another cold weather record | Missoula, Montana
MISSOULA - This is getting to be routine.

Missoula set a cold weather record for the fourth time in eight days, with the temperature dropping to a very frigid 20 degrees Tuesday morning. That breaks the old mark of 22 degrees that had held since April 23, 1968.
Consensus and Controversy: New Report On The Global Warming “Battlefield”
The report positively concludes that an alleged near unanimous scientific consensus on AGW, that “the science is settled”, is overstated. The report finds a robust, critical scientific discourse in climate related research, yet it highlights that a “consensus-building” approach to science might represent a politicised and unscientific belief in science – a belief in tension with the ethos of “normal science”.

The report calls for a continuing questioning, critical, and undogmatic public debate over man-made global warming, and a clearer separation between science and policy.
Steig’s Bladeless “Hockey” Stick « Climate Audit
In a recent RC post entitled “Ice Hockey” and a recent Nature article, Steig and coauthors have introduced a novel and very baroque “hockey stick”, one without a blade. A true Halloween of horrors: in addition to Gergis’ zombie hockey stick, the bladeless Hockey Stick of Sleepy Hollow is now at large.

The appearance of Steig’s bladeless hockey stick was apparently so horrifying that he dared not show it in the RC post.
More record lows than during any week in 13 years
Probably caused by global warming.
Historic: Duluth, MN has gotten 51″ of global warming in April | JunkScience.com
“Today’s early afternoon temperatures were 20-40 degrees colder than normal through the Plains into Texas.”
Media Matters says ‘climate change’ was a GOP euphemism | JunkScience.com
Right-o. That’s why the UN group is called the “Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change” — established in 1988, 14 years before Frank Luntz talked about “climate change” as a less scary term.

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