Friday, April 12, 2013

The Insiders: Climate change and Mitch McConnell
First, Ed [Rogers] and I have had a little back and forth on climate change. It’s probably tedious to some of you; I believe it is a massive threat worthy of a massive response. Ed believes it is vastly overrated and a plot by big government and rich liberals to raise energy prices and impose a lifestyle of want on those who cannot afford the gas guzzlers and private jets of their oppressors. I like Ed. He’s smart, and often right about politics. But, on this one, he’s in bad company.
Has Obama Already Given Up on Climate Change? : The New Yorker
the budget released this week makes it clear that Obama’s surprising appeal to Congress was an empty piece of rhetoric. The phrase “climate change” appears twenty-nine times in the new budget, but there is no new plan for Congress to take up in Obama’s otherwise ambitious legislative blueprint. There are some worthy energy initiatives that could achieve modest reductions in emissions, but the budget is silent on what Obama will do to aggressively reduce carbon pollution by the biggest emitters, like power plants and automobiles.
A Nobel Prize Idea: Connecting Global Warming and Beer
So here’s my hypothesis: maybe we should track beer consumption instead of degrees Fahrenheit to get a better feel for temperature patterns.
Ceres: Climate Change a Bigger Cost for American Taxpayers
As Tax Day approaches, Americans should be aware that a hefty chunk of their tax dollars is now going to pay for the impacts of climate change.

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