Tuesday, April 02, 2013

The Marcott gong show – before in the unquestioning press and after the blogosphere review as told by Ross McKitrick | Watts Up With That?
News of this finding flew around the world and the authors suddenly became the latest in a long line of celebrity climate scientists.

The trouble is, as they quietly admitted over the weekend, their new and stunning claim is groundless. The real story is only just emerging, and it isn’t pretty.
We’re not screwed? | Financial Post
[McKitrick] What made their original conclusion about the exceptional nature of 20th-century warming plausible was precisely the fact that it appeared to be picked up both by modern thermometers and by their proxy data. But that was an illusion. It was introduced into their proxy reconstruction as an artifact of arbitrarily redating the end points of a few proxy records.

In recent years there have been a number of cases in which high-profile papers from climate scientists turned out, on close inspection, to rely on unseemly tricks, fudges and/or misleading analyses. After they get uncovered in the blogosphere, the academic community rushes to circle the wagons and denounce any criticism as “denialism.” There’s denialism going on all right — on the part of scientists who don’t see that their continuing defence of these kinds of practices exacts a toll on the public credibility of their field.
The Climate Scam | The House at POS Corner
...If this report was accurate when it was made, we have had Arctic melting for over 90 years, and most, if not all, coastal cities are still inhabitable. But the report may of course be inaccurate and based on selective data. But climate alarmism was not yet born in 1922, and the politicians of the time did not see the potential of using such reports to enhance their own powers. And neither was modern environmentalism born. It would be many years before Norwegian philosopher Arne Næss was to propose that the human population should be reduced to 100 million in order to prevent… well, such things as the Arctic melting and making coastal cities uninhabitable.

Let’s move on to 1974. At that time there was serious concern that we are entering a new ice age.
The NO CARBON TAX Climate Sceptics Blog: James Hansen, Political Activist retires to become a Political Activist.
James Hansen is retiring from NASA to become a political activist. Methinks he has been a political activist for years.

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