Monday, April 22, 2013

Unity College President Talks Climate Change
Mulkey says the issue of climate change is the greatest threat to humanity.
[CO2 could cause polar bears to eat seagull food?]
The polar bear, long the most-often touted of threatened species, indeed is in trouble with reduction of ice pack in the Arctic. As the apex predator, the bears keep their food source population — mainly seals, but also walruses and whales — in balance.

What is not commonly known is that polar bears also are good scavengers in scarcity and will move into other animals' food source if necessary. Polar bears will happily consume fish, reindeer, birds, rodents, eggs, kelp, berries and trash left by humans — putting them in competition with arctic foxes and seagulls, instead of providing a symbiotic relationship by leaving leftover prey.
Animals that will thrive under global warming
[It's a rule:  If you don't like them, CO2 will probably cause their population to explode; if you like them, CO2 will probably cause their extinction.]
Enviros go conspiracy theory: Cap-and-trade sabotaged from within by coal lobbyists pretending to work for enviers |
“In the summer of 2009, a consulting firm called Blue Line Strategic Communications was picked to manage Clean Energy Works. The firm was run by David DiMartino and Michael Meehan, two former industry lobbyists and Democratic staffers.”
Twelve States ask SCOTUS to challenge EPA on climate regulation | Watts Up With That?
Twelve States (Texas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina and South Dakota) today filed a petition to have the Supreme Court review the D.C. Circuit’s decision not to strike down EPA’s climate regulations.

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