Wednesday, May 08, 2013

An interesting Ag Report | Musings from the Chiefio
They show high temp records over the SouthWest AND California where I am. As I was just chased off the patio by the cold, and I’ve not started a garden as it’s just not been like it was (hot in May, good to go in April…) I’m very skeptical of those hot records… This year has NOT been hot. Not even near it.
Big-Government incantation creates The Energy Black Hole and drives off businesses « JoNova
Ron Boswell makes the case in The Australian today that Australia is losing manufacturing due to rising energy costs, while the US is gaining manufacturing back from China because it has a cheap energy advantage with shale gas.

I could make the case that when Big-Government tries to change the weather, it has moved into the realm of witchcraft.
The current Warmist "explanation" of the temperature plateau of recent years
Below you have it: The greedy deep ocean is gobbling up all the heat. The warming is somehow bypassing the surface of both the land and the oceans and building up in the ocean deeps. It is an extraordinarily improbable theory. How does the warming slip past both the land and the ocean surface? And does not warm water rise? According to the ordinary laws of physics, it should be the surface where you find all the heat. No wonder it is only a few "dyed-in-the-wool" Warmists who are pushing this one
Anti-Keystone XL-ers claim pipeline would cost society $100 billion per year |
In reality there is no ‘social cost of carbon.” The global economy is 100% dependent upon carbon — all $65 trillion of it. Additionally, the claimed damages of carbon use are essentially 100% imaginary.
EPA Doubles Down on E15 — Literally
The Soviet-style production quota for ethanol, pompously titled the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS), is in trouble. The RFS requires more ethanol to be sold than can actually be blended into the nation’s motor fuel supply. This “blend wall” problem will get worse as RFS production quota and federal fuel economy standards ratchet up, forcing refiners to blend more and more ethanol into a shrinking motor fuel market.

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