Thursday, May 09, 2013

April sets record for cold : South Dakota
It wasn’t your imagination; it really was cold last month.

In fact it was the coldest April on record in Chadron, according to the National Weather Service.
$12 million to help Bengal tigers survive global warming--in Bangladesh |
Stymied in it's war on global warming in the United States, the administration is taking its fight overseas and into Bangladesh jungles to help the Bengal tiger survive the effects of climate change.
Twitter / Revkin: .@jbrodernyt floats Obama ...
. floats Obama /climate tradeoff trial balloons then pops each. Strawman balloons?
Twitter / aDissentient: Government green grants a cover ...
Government green grants a cover for corruption: who would have thunk it?
Twitter / Jonathan__Leake: Lots of senior policy & ...
Lots of senior policy & energy bill jobs going at - wonder why??

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