Friday, May 24, 2013


Flat-Earth Democrats | FrontPage Magazine
Al Gore once sneered, “Fifteen per cent of the people believe the moon landing was staged on some movie lot and a somewhat smaller number still believe the Earth is flat. They all get together on a Saturday night and party with the global warming deniers.” More and more scientific evidence suggests that it is Gore and his Democratic brethren who are the flat-earthers, clinging to an exploded paradigm not because of the “overwhelming judgment of science,” but because it gratifies their ideological and political preferences and interests.
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: How taxpayers subsidized Tesla to make the rich richer
And even if Tesla's cars do sell, the policy question is why billionaires in California couldn't have financed the business themselves. Why should middle-class taxpayers whose incomes are falling still pay to subsidize the purchase of cars that only the affluent can afford, and then partly as a gesture of their superior environmental virtue? When does the rest of America get its return on Tesla's profits?
Climate Lessons: 50 to 1 Project: still in with a chance of proceeding
One thing we shall need for years to come is good quality materials to help repair the damage done in politics and in education by the past decades of overblown alarmism about CO2. This video project promises to provide exactly that, and may yet manage to go ahead on a reduced budget. Here is the latest update
THE HOCKEY SCHTICK: The global solar cartel is making solar energy even more uncompetitive
Call it tragicomic that the only way for the U.S. and EU to achieve their green objectives is to embrace China's model of state-managed capitalism. But the story is also a parable of how the cronyism inherent in the renewable-energy industry can clash with environmental goals.
Don’t mention the pause, or there may be Nazis | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog

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